Refund policy :

 We want to make sure that our customers have an exceptional learning experience online. As with any online purchase experience, the below are the terms and conditions that govern the Refund Policy.  When you buy an online program on you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and the conditions covered below.

Cancellation & Refunds:

Online Courses/Programs

Once you enroll into any of our online courses by paying the program fee, no refund request shall be entertained as you are expected to get all clarifications about the program related queries or doubts & make youself available to attend the online classes before making the payment.    

Refunds: Duplicate payment   

Refund of the duplicate payment made by the customer will be processed via same source (original method of payment) within 7 to 21 working days after intimation by the customer.  

Note: All refunds will be processed within 30 days of approval and validation of refund request.